Friday, March 2, 2007

Five things you may not know about me

1. At any given time and any given place, I can tell you where the neariest bathroom is located, approximately how long it will take to get there, and I will gladly accompany you there.

2. Whenever I see words on signs, I rearrange the letters in my head to come up with as many different words as possible. This would probably explain why Scrabble and Boggle are two of my all-time favorite games. Anybody up for a challenge? (besides tyler...)

3. Aim Tartar Control is the ONLY toothpaste I can use- all others make the skin on the inside of my mouth slough off (gross, I know).

4. When I was little, I slept in my sister Lori's bed with her every night. Sometimes I would even sneak in there in the middle of the night!

5. I didn't make it into dance company, cheerleading, or nursing school on my first try. The second time is the charm for me! This has made me believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and to never trust first impressions!


Lorilee said...

I am proud to say that I knew every single one of these.
But I don't think you've tried EVERY kind of tooth paste to know that Aim is the ONLY one you can use. But it is the best, so why even venture out?

I loved having you "lay by me" every night.

Holly and Dave said...

true, i probably haven't tried EVERY single kind of toothpaste out there, but the top competitors (colgate, crest, aquafresh, etc) seem to have an adverse effect. but Aim is right on target (he he he). Thanks for always letting me in your bed!

sarah marie. said...

finally a post! loved your list holly.

Sarah said...

I love this post. I don't think I knew any of those things about you. I haven't ever tried AIM, maybe I should give it a whirl!

ali said...

Holly, you are so cute.

I slept with my older sister Jamie, or sometimes Ashley or Lane, every single night too. I would even make Jamie hold my hand: we have a picture to prove it. It must be a youngest child thing.

And Lori totally converted me to Aim. It is now all I use. You Sorensens are always full of good tips.

Jen Richards said...

i am so glad you have a blog because I have become obsessed with them and now i can view yours as well. i have 4 weeks to go until the big due date! I hope we can venture out to the west this summer so I can see you and dave sometime. talk to you soon!