Sunday, September 13, 2009

#3... meant to be

Dave and I celebrated our third anniversary last month by dining at La Caille. I had never been there before, but we had some gift certificates to spend (thanks to the best neighbors ever) so we decided to indulge. And indulge we did! Everything was perfect- the food, the surroundings, the music, the lighting, and of course the company. Except for the swan biting Dave's thumb, we couldn't have asked for a better night.

I love the way Dave makes me happier than anything or anyone else in this world. In these short 3 years, I feel like we've already experienced so much together. I've learned that I never know what life has in store- I'm just glad Dave and I will be side by side through it all. Here's to a successful and joyous year ahead!


The Laundry Queen said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the part about the swan biting Dave's thumb. : )

Lorilee said...

it looks like you are sitting in front of a fancy backdrop..
you look dashing in your yellow dress
happy anniversary.

P.S. said...

I love your yellow dress! I think you guys look like you are in an old movie or back in the 50's.
Let's use this picture for your 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Yup I'm planning it already!