Tuesday, August 21, 2007

You say it's your birthday....

I love having a summer birthday for many reasons, some of which include, 1. It's hot during the day and warm at night. 2. You can have outdoor parties, often involving waterslides, swimming, etc. 3. You can have a BBQ or at least eat outside. 4. It gives you an even break between birthday presents and christmas presents. 5. You sometimes get to celebrate on vacation!!

I was lucky enough to enjoy none other than The Cheesecake Factory on my birthday, finished off with the ultimate Dulce de Leche cheesecake (I hope this will be served in heaven)! Talk about a happy birthday!

This year's birthday was unforgettably fun, and I'm so grateful to all my family and friends who made me feel so special. I am so lucky to have them in my life, and they are the ones that bring me happiness the whole year through.


naptime nostalgia said...

Hey Holly & Dave,
It's Amy from the good ol Highland View. Told ya I found your blog. That pizza post is crazy. Jeff would LOVE that. But I think I heard somewhere you should never eat anything bigger than your head. Oh well, I am sure it was worth it. Hope you guys don't mind if I peek in now and again. See ya sunday.

Lorilee said...

I love all the pictures. You can see Nicole's cute face in the one of you and Dave in the decorated room. I clicked on the cheesecake photo and my mouth started to water.

Jen Richards said...

Happy B-day Holly (very belated). It looks like it was a great day! Also- happy Anniversary! Can you believe it has been a year!? Time goes by so fast. I miss you and hope you and Dave are doing well. Love ya!

Unknown said...

Holly and Dave,
I saw your blog on the Jensen's page and it was so fun to see all your postings. You two seem to be having such a great time and loving married life. These pictures caught my eye, that's awesome your family stayed at the beach house, love it. Hope you two are doing well and give us a call next time you come to Disneyland!
Mia Chudleigh

Daniel Chudleigh said...

so funny, I just published this under my boss's account! lol