Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And the winner is....

YEAH!!! Over a month ago, I entered a drawing at my local Dan's grocery store to win a new washer and dryer. If you have seen our old set, you know they were on their last leg. The washer leaked about once a week and they were both quite loud. Although I really wanted my name to be chosen out of the box, I didn't really think it would happen (who ever wins those things??) Then last week I got a very exciting phone call, telling me I won!! I was jumping up and down, screaming in delight. The people at Dan's even took our picture with the washer and dryer to display in the store! I've never been so excited in my life to do laundry. I woke up at 6am Sunday morning and before turning over catch some more zzz's before church, I just had to go start a load of laundry and hear the very soft hum of these machines. Dan's has made a VERY loyal customer out of me, that's for sure.


lpettey said...

Congrats on winning. You and Lisa have all the luck. Kristine has a set of those washer/dryer. I loved using it when I lived there. They are quiet and you get tons more laundry done.

Lorilee said...

you should go over to Dan's and take a picture of your picture on display there....
i'm so jelly doughnut.

oliver.and.emily said...

whoa! that's so cool!!

Lisa P. said...

You go girl!!! That is so awesome. What a wonderful practical win, better than some concert tickets;)

Tamsen said...

I have never won anything exciting in my life. Way to go! I have a few loads if you run out...

The Watty's said...

They are wonderful! I am so jealous...I could use a new set. Happy laundry to you and David. You just keep entering contests...maybe I will have you enter for me to - you have great luck!

The Watty's said...

That would be a "too" not a "to". I hate it when I do a boo-boo in spelling...much is expected of the "teacher" type.

Megan said...

that is amazing!! only you and dave! i think you are the lucky charm..first a tv now a washer and dryer. we're going to have to come over and use those haha.

Idaho Bushmans said...

you lucky suckers.

Nichole said...

Holly, what a cute blog!! I can't believe you won that washer and dryer!! You are sooo lucky-and I am sooo jealous! I hope things are going well for you!