Sunday, July 27, 2008

July, July

July has to be my favorite month of the entire year. The entire month should be considered a holiday. I wish it lasted 90 days. I can't think of anything I don't like about it! Some highlights of the month for me include Independence Day, fireworks, cold watermelon, waterslides, homemade ice cream, birthday parties, boating, growing a garden, hiking, Pioneer Day, gelato, the sound of sprinklers, air-conditioned movie theaters, farmers market, and much, much more.


Annie said...

Are you sure hiking is one your favorites because that Mt. Olympus hike didn't sounds like so much fun! By the way, I think you should make another blog and call it Holly's Fabulous Recipes. You should write about the things you have made and write down the recipes so we can all enjoy those yummy foods you bake!

Idaho Bushmans said...

I agree July is the best month and then December. Enjoy the last few days of it.