Monday, March 2, 2009

A new month, a new me

March has always been a month of change.  To me it signals the end of a cold, dark winter and the coming of a warmer, brighter spring.  Something I love about the month is watching the crocuses, daffodils, and tulips break through the brown soil with their green leaves and colorful flowers.  As I see them in my own yard as well as others, they bring me hope of lighter days with more sunshine and warmth.  These flowers have hidden underground during the long months of winter but have not given up.  Not only do they eventually blossom, but they make this effort immediately after sensing any increase in temperature, for they are eager to enjoy the spring and summer again.  These flowers know that their colorful petals and vibrant stems will turn brown once more and they will have to turn inward and endure more dark times.  But this doesn't stop them from fulfilling their beautiful potential.  Often times throughout the cold months of winter, these flowers not only survive but grow and become stronger, filling gardens with more and more beautiful blossoms each year.

I hope to become like these flowers.  I hope to blossom and fulfill more of my potential.  I know hard times will come again, but I want to enjoy every good day the Lord grants me.  I want my trials to motivate me to be brighter and stronger during the good times rather than live in fear of another "winter."  As March transitions from winter to spring, I am trying to transition from sadness to joy.  We all know that the month of March does not mean there will be no more blizzards or rainstorms, but that more and more sunny days are on their way.  And maybe I too will have more sunny days.  The months are changing and so am I.  


The Watty's said...

I love you! Sweet thoughts...

P.S. said...

Oh Hols, you never cease to amaze me. I'm on the same page with ya, here's to a beautiful, colorful, wonderful March.
You are such a bright spot in my life, I'm really lucky to have you as a friend.

naptime nostalgia said...

It was so great to see you at churh on Sunday.

What an awesome post.

sarah marie. said...

so beautiful holly. you're amazing.

Lorilee said...

I love this, and I love you. That was so perfectly expressed and written Holly... I want it to be published somewhere everyone in the world can read it.
I can't believe you're really my sister... you are amazing.

Jen Richards said...

This post really touched me Holly. You are so strong and have such an amazing and beautiful outlook on life (no matter what is happening at the time). Thank you for writing this! Love you.

Jenny said...

You are so inspiring and uplifting. Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts.

Darin and Marianne said...

Hey Holly,
I hope you don't care that I found your blog. I just wanted to let you know that Darin and I have been thinking of you. You're the best and I hope March brings lots of sun in more ways than one. Love you.

Annie said...

You are so amazing. Just reading this post made me tear up. I just want you to know that I think about ya every day and you are always in my prayers

Anna said...

May lots more sunny days be on their way for you, sweet Holly.

Beautifully expressed; your strength and perspective inspire me. I love you.

Sarajane said...


{Sarajane Froerer from Chi-O here}
I can't even say how I came to find your blog but I am truly touched and motivated by your story. Your positive attitude towards life is infectious. Thank you for sharing.

Danielle said...

Holly you are amazing! I am so happy we got to go to lunch the other day. I am constantly amazed and inspired by your faith and love for your family.