Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our 3 Angels

Dave and I now have 3 beautiful angels in Heaven:

Isaac Watkins       January 25, 2009     8:50 pm
Noah Watkins      January 30, 2009     4:51 am      5 ounces, 7 inches
Ruth Watkins       January 30, 2009     4:51 am      6 ounces, 8 inches

The immense love we have for our children consumes our hearts and souls.  They are a very special part of our family and we know their spirits are always with us, now and forever.  

Saying I am extremely sad and deeply hurt is a huge understatement; this kind of pain is unbearable.  My soul has never felt so empty yet so heavy.  My heart is shattered and broken and I don't know how to fix it.  There are no words to describe my feelings, thoughts, and yearnings, and even if there were they are too intense and difficult to talk about.  

Dave and I take comfort in knowing our children love us and they can feel of our love as well.  Our knowledge of the Gospel reassures us that we will live with them again and that God has a greater plan for our family than we know of.  We are truly grateful for the love and support that has been extended to us by our family and close friends- it is at times like this that I realize that I don't just love my family but I need them desperately.  Each day I feel a wide range of emotions, sadness and pain interspersed with bits of hope and faith.  But one emotion triumphs all others- the overwhelming love I have for each of our 3 beautiful children.     


ali said...

Holly, you are going to be the best little mom the world has ever seen. Those three little angels are going to send someone extra special your way. We love you.

Catherine said...

Holly, I have always admired your ability to genuinely love all of those around you. Your 3 angels love you so much and they know that you love them. You have beauty that radiates from the inside out and makes you one of the most beautiful and loving people I am lucky enough to know. I am so sorry for your loss but so happy that you had the time you did to create children of God and feel that incredible love. My prayers are with you. Love you sweet Holly.

the johansen's said...

You are amazing! Chad and I have been thinking about you guys alot over the past few weeks. Just know, you are in our thoughts and prayers! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Holly, our hearts go out to you, and we pray that you can find comfort.

Weed Family said...

Holly, you and your sweet family are in my prayers. Know I love you and my thoughts are with you.

Anna said...

Oh Holly, your faith and strength is inspiring. I know you will get to raise your three beautiful babies someday and they are already looking forward to it because they know what an amazing mom you are going to be. I love you, I'm praying for you.

naptime nostalgia said...

Jeff and I have been thinking about you & Dave alot lately and are praying for you both. Your faith is amazing, and I loved the names you picked for those sweet angels.

P.S. said...

Hi Hols,
My heart is just broken for you. I love you dearly and I wish more than anything that I could take away your pain. If you ever need someone to talk/walk/or just be with please know I'd drop anything for you. Deboro and I love you, Dave and your little ones so so much and you are all in our prayers.

Jess said...

Holly you seriously are such an amazing person and I have always and will always admire you. I am so sorry .... we are praying for you guys!

Posh Ideas said...

I am so sorry! I can't imagine what you have been through. You are an incredible person who has so much love.

lpettey said...

Holly just want to also send my love. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever known. Those angels will always be watching over you and dave. I'm sure my mom is taking care of them and loving them. Love you both.

San said...

Holly, my deepest sympathies to you and your husband. So sorry for your loss. You are an amazing courageous woman and I will always admire you for being an inspiration. You are always holding your head up high and had such poise and grace throughout this whole process. Never complaining, without even an ounce of negativity, and I admire you so much for that. Sometimes it is so hard to understand why things happen the way they do. My prayers are with you and now you have three little angels that will truly help you along your path. You are surrounded by love and good people, and most of all your faith, which will help you through everything. Love you!!

Lorilee said...

I love those 3 little angels so much.... and they know it. This was the perfect way to introduce them.

I sure do love you and Dave, and haven't stopped thinking of you guys.

Monica Miles said...

Holly, my thoughts and prayers are with you both. I can't even imagine all that you are going through. You are so strong & I know those little babies will be waiting for you. Love you guys.

Britters and Parx said...

My heart is with you guys! I feel a portion of what you are going through. Who knows the WHYS...but..thank goodness we know that you will see them and be a family always!! love ya!!

Sara said...

Holly your words were incredibly touching, as is your story and strength. My heart is breaking right now for you right now during your loss. But how lucky those three little angels are to have you and Dave. You will continue to be in our prayers.

sarah marie. said...

holly i am so extremely sorry. i don't even know what to say but that i love you.

Keri Cannon said...

Holly, You are so inspiring. I seriously think about you and Dave every day. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are such an amazing mom with so much to give. I can't wait for you to raise those children in heaven someday. PLease know I am here for you! Love you tons!

Nichole said...

Holly, I am so so sorry! You have been in our thoughts and prayers! We love you!

The Waites said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart and prayers are with you.

Jeff Sorensen said...

Holly - we love you so much (and Dave too). You are such an amazing person. I can't wait to see you on Sunday and just give you a big hug. It's so hard to want to fix things for you but have no ability to do so. You know that Amber and I love you so much and we will do anything we can to help you - Please ask.

Katie and Jeff Wood said...

What an incredible couple you are. You have truly been such an example through all of this for all of us. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day! Your children will be angels throughout your whole life. love you so much!
Katie and Jeff Wood


My heart aches for you and Dave and I wish I had something profound to say that would make you feel better. I know you will be the best mom and so appreciative when you have the opportunity to raise your babies that WILL come. You have so much strength in your little body and I admire your perspective. Find comfort in knowing that your babies have bodies, are together, and will be able to see you again. Jared and I both pray and think of you daily. We love you both.

oliver.and.emily said...

holly we love you guys, you and dave are going to be such wonderful parents. you're in our thoughts & prayers

Kelsey and Rylee said...

Wow reading your story makes my heart ache for you and your husband. You sound like an amazing woman. You are in our players.

marta said...

i am so sad to hear about this event in your lives. i cannot believe what heartache you must be feeling. i'm praying for you and dave. thank you for opening up and sharing your personal thoughts about them. and what sweet names for your angels. they will be waiting patiently for you to come home to them. and although it will be a lifetime, it will truly only be a small moment apart. you have eternity.

i'm so happy your sweet family is surrounding you at this difficult time. so many are thinking of you.


Melinda said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your babies. I wish you all the hope, faith, peace and comfort to heal your broken heart. I'm so glad you have such a great husband and family to support you. You are such a strong, amazing person and loved by so many.
I'm praying for you and Dave!

Samye said...

Holly-I just ran across your blog and wanted to let you know how sorry I am for your loss. Those three angels will know the love you had for them. You will be a great mom when the time comes.

Ally said...

holly...i am so sorry for your loss. you truly are such a great example to so many.

Megan said...

Holly, I'm so sorry. Those 3 little babies were loved so much and they are waiting for you guys. You are so strong and you are such an example. I love you so much and I'm glad my brother has a wife so amazing as you! I'm thinking about you a lot, love you.

Juls said...

I was just reading some of the comments other people have left and they all have one thing in common. They all say how strong you are! It is so true! You have always been a rock and a great example in everything you do. I am so sorry for yours and Dave's loss. Your family is in our prayers. Julia

The Calder's said...

Holly, I just followed a link to your blog from the Chi O page. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure that there is a reason for your babies to have departed so early, but it still seems so unfair! I know you will be able to raise them someday. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jacqueline H.

Lindsey said...

Oh Holly, I am so so so sorry you have to go through this. I too am so grateful for the comfort the gospel brings - and I know that someday you'll be able to get to know each one of those little sweeties and know the joy of being their mother.
You are awesome Holly - and you and Dave are in our prayers.

Danielle said...

Holly and Dave,
I think of you often! I love you and pray you find comfort in the love of your family, friends, and faith.

Dash Of Sass said...

Holly, its Whitney Odom. (Alana's friend)I just want to tell you how deeply sorry i am for you and your cute family. I know a LITTLE about what you are going through as i lost a baby myself in my second trimester. The love you have for them will NEVER go away. You are such a choice daughter of God and he blessed you with 3 amazing and most diligent of all his children. Know that you will be with them one day and you will get to raise them! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I have an amazing poem that someone gave me after i lost mine and i would love to give it to you. Pleas send me your email address at! Love you! Keep the faith~

Tyler and Emily said...

Holly, I am so sorry for your loss. Your strength is inspiring. I just wanted to send my love.

theminerfamily said...

Holly- This is Heidi (Kinnersley) Miner your chi-o "big sister," I know it has been a long time since we have seen each other (though I thought I saw you @ PCMC a couple times?). I am here in Michigan with Cara Owen and she told me your news. I hope you have the strength and peace you need at this difficult time. Know that everywhere you go you have made an amazing impression on someone (like me) and we are all praying for you.
Best wishes for you, Dave and your family, those little ones are lucky to have you as a Mother, now and forever!

Blake + Amy said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you! We are so lucky to have the gospel. Love, Amy Young Clayton

healthy ashley said...

I just found your blog, but my heart goes out to you..

Sarah said...

Holly, your little angels will be all around and all about you.

Janelle said...


You have gone through a very hard trial, and I am thinking of you guys.

SJ said...

Holly, I just came across your blog tonight. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.


Sarah Crookston

chudlove said...

Holly and Dave,

My heart stopped when I read this. Holly, your words are so touching. I know the two of you will get through this, you're simply "Dave and Holly". Sadly your strengths are needed in this way, but they'll overpower and that's what makes the both of you amazing parents to these three angles and your future children.

You're in our thoughts and prayers,

Dan and Mia

Marianne Brown said...

I wish I had your email to send you a more personal note - but you've been in my prayers and I hope you and Dave are doing better. I can't imagine...and won't pretend I even know what you are feeling, but I hope you know I've been thinking of you and would love to get together soon.
Love you!

Molly said...

I just wandered onto your blog. I am went to h.s. with Megan (Watkins).

I am so sorry for your loss and cannot imagine how hard it has been. Even though I do not know you... you are in my thoughts. Hang in there...

The Pizza Family said...

Holly, You are such an amazing person!! We are so so sorry for you loss!! Know you are in our thoughts and prayers! Those 3 little angels will watch over you always!

Love you, Lindsey