Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 3 of 50

First of all, I can't thank you all enough for your prayers, love, support, and care you have shown to Dave and I and our little family. We have been amazed by everyone's thoughtfulness and generosity. Your hope, faith, and confidence help to buoy us up during this difficult time.
My parents have graciously welcomed us into their home, and I couldn't ask to be in a more comfortable place or be better cared for.

I am keeping "busy" by reading magazines, watching tv, sleeping, eating, and keeping in touch with family and friends. My next goal in this process is to make it to 24 weeks (March 11) when I can then be readmitted to the hospital and remain there as long as possible, until delivery. So I have approximately 50 days of home bedrest, hence the title of this post.

My situation is much more difficult emotionally than physically. Sure, I have some normal discomforts of pregnancy and struggle with the never-ending quest to "get comfortable," but my hips and back don't hurt so bad when I never have to stand on them! Needless to say, my mom makes me wonderfully delicious meals and is always asking what else sounds good or wondering what treat she can make for me. This experience would really be quite fun if there just wasn't so much to worry about.

I'm not going to delve into all my worries, because really I have no control over them. I try not to stress about the things which are out of my control, which is almost everything at this point. I know that our babies' lives are in the hands of the Lord and He has a plan for every child. I put my faith and trust in Him and know that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. My faith continues to grow as He continues to grant our family another day to spend together.

I want to enjoy every minute I have with my babies, whether they be inside or outside my body. I love feeling their little kicks and turns, and I can't wait for Dave to be able to feel them as well. We have been taking lots of pictures of my growing belly and embrace it for all it holds. I pray to be able to hold them when they are big and strong enough to survive this world, and although I look forward to that day I hope it doesn't come for a very long time.

Thank you again for all your prayers and love. It means more to us than words can tell.


The Watty's said...

Love you Holly & Dave! We'll see you soon...

naptime nostalgia said...

Hey Holly,

If you think you might be up to visitors, let me know and I'd love to come and drop by some time.

Hang in there!


Nichole said...

We love you and we are thinking of you here in Oklahoma. You and your babies are in our prayers! Travis and Nichole

Lisa P. said...

Yes, we'd love to visit you sometime. If you get sick of "regular" tv Linzi has many movies and tv series. I'm in the middle of Gilmore Girls and she has smallville etc.:)We're here for you:)

Posh Ideas said...

I am so sorry. I hope everything will go ok for your little family. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you are on. Hugs and prayers!

Anna said...

Love you, Holly! You & your kiddos are in our thoughts & prayers. Your mom is so sweet and such a wonderful cook, I know you are being well taken care of.

P.S. said...

Oh Hols, my heart completely goes out to you. Tell your mom if she needs to go out and run some errands I can come and babysit you (for free)! Actually even if she doesn't have any place to go I want to read magazines with you and make old school valentines and take pictures of Britney on your window seat...
Love you more than orange carrot cookies (whoa, that's a lot)!


Holly, you are wonderful! Stay positive and know that you are in our prayers.

Jess said...

Holly this is Jessica Nordhoff (Thain) ... hi!! First off oh my gosh I can't believe that tiny you is pregnant with triplets ... CONGRATS!! You are such a sweetheart and I know you will be the best Mom ... you are in our thoughts and prayers!! p.s. I want to see a pic of your pregnant ..... :)

Katie and Jeff Wood said...

Oh i'm so glad that you are doing better! We are sure thinking of you all of the time. you are going to be the cutest mom. Thanks for all of the updates. If I was in Utah I would love to bring you some fun movies =).

jane sorensen said...


Just wanted to let you know how much we love you both and are thinking of you constantly. Your name is in the Bountiful Temple (and probably many more). Keep the faith!

Jane & Bob

Brooke Boren said...

wow Holly you are really an amazing person. You will continually be in our prayers through the next 47 days, and thereafter as well. Your faith is such an example to me. We love you soo much!!!

Lorilee said...

i love you holly. (and dave)
i love your babies.

i wish-more than anything-i could do something more for you.

Sara said...

Thanks for that update and touching post. You are such and example to us all and we should be thanking you for that. You will be in our prayers!

caitlin said...

just wanted to let you know that you guys are in our prayers.

just ask alana, every time i talk to her i ask how you are. just wanted to let you know, you are being thought of.

*also (and i am serious) if you need anything, i'm here. i will bring you box sets! or send them with alana :)

naptime nostalgia said...

Holly & Dave,

Just wanted you both to know we are praying for you and love you both.

Jeff & Amy

Jamie said...

Holly what an amazing post! Marcus and I have been thinking about you so much lately and want you to know you are in our prayers!!

tiffany said...

holly, you are a trooper if I have ever known one. if anyone can get through the challenges you are facing-- it's certainly you. i think about you constantly. you are going to be the perfect mama.
hang in there holly bobolly fofolly with a lemon on top. lvs

Lindsay said...

Holly, you are AMAZING! I've been hearing about your story from my mom, Lauren, and your blog. You are such a trooper with awesome FAITH! What an example. I hope and pray that all goes well. I can't wait to see what cute babies will come out of you! And by the way, I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but I just can't imagine your petite frame with a belly full of triplets! Post some pictures soon!

Tyler and Emily said...

hey Holly, this is Emily (Broadwater). I found your blog from Nanette's. What an exciting but scary time for you. Just wanted to let you know people are praying for you all the way over in London!!

steph said...

holly, its steph bletzacker. i thought i'd check to see how your little (or big) pregnancy was going and was so sad to hear about your hospital stay. what an experience for you and dave. faith building and love promoting i'm sure. best of luck to you these next few weeks. i will keep your little body and babies in my prayers. xo

Kim said...

It's so good to hear how you are doing and I really admire your positive attitude, you gave me the chills reading this because your faith is so strong! You will be a wonderful mom!