Sunday, February 6, 2011

Romp to Stomp out breast cancer

On Saturday we participated in our first snowshoe race, with benefits going toward the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. I signed up thinking it would be a fun little activity on a winter morning. I had NO idea how hard it would be! I guess there are snowshoes made specifically for running, and that is not the kind we have. So while everyone else was trotting happily along, I was tripping over myself, panting for air, and feeling a bit embarrassed. Also keep in mind that it was a cold, windy, snowy day, so I had come prepared with all sorts of gear. Well, shortly into this "last chance workout" I was pulling everything off and handing it to Dave to carry. Quite a sight to behold. "Am I this out of shape?!!" I asked myself. Although I didn't run the whole time, at least I never stopped walking! And thank goodness for the Luna Bars and water at the finish line- I was in need of a little pick-me-up. Looks like next year I'll need to do some training for the event (and get a different pair of snowshoes!)
Look how big those suckers are!! YOU try running in those things! Other people had snowshoes half that size!


The Laundry Queen said...

What an awesome thing to do!

Unknown said...

snow shoeing is exhausting! love the picture at the bottom, you look so yittle! haha

Lorilee said...

i can tell you right now i don't think i would have finished the race. that would be so hard. i would have loved to see you and dave running-and tripping- in those things.

Tracy Peterson said...

How fun!

P.S. said...

I with Lori, I WOULD NOT have finished! I would have looked at the other people's snowshoes and turned around and gone home. I'm seriously proud of you for sticking it out and finishing.

Anonymous said...

That was so nice of you. Looked like you really enjoyed it. Hope I could experience it too.