Friday, December 12, 2008

Cookie Monster

We just celebrated one of my favorite days of the year: the Annual Cookie Bake. This is something we've been doing forever and not only do I cherish the memories, but also every bite of every cookie. The girls of the family get together, everyone brings their assigned cookie dough, and we bake for about 10 hours straight. My mom's oven should be on a commercial for Kenmore- everyone would buy that oven if they could have these delicious cookies coming out of it every 8 to 10 minutes.
We roll, dip, cool, and frost all day long until we leave exhausted, with tins FULL of cookies. This year we made 8 varieties, and ended up with thousands of cookies. We share them with neighbors, friends, loved ones, and keep some for ourselves, of course!
The types of cookies we make are special because we only make them at the Cookie Bake. I look forward to them all year, especially the Thumbprints, with their perfect dollop of green frosting surrounded by toasted chopped pecans... yum!
I was in charge of making all the dough for the chocolate crackle. I had 2 mixing bowls full, and I used over 20 eggs and 10 cups of flour! Their ooey-gooey goodness leaves you only wanting one thing: a tall glass of cold milk. For the next month, there will always be something to eat at my house: milk and cookies. No longer is my freezer full of frozen veggies, chicken breasts, and popsicles- just loads and loads of cookies. Just the way I like it.


The Laundry Queen said...

If I showed this to my kids right now, they would want me to move us into your neighborhood in hopes that they would receive some of that goodness. If that didn't work, they would probably just as me to "gift" them to you so you could be their new mom.

The Laundry Queen said...

Okay, that's supposed to say "ask" me, not "as" me. That's what I get for not proofreading!

The Watty's said...

You baker women are too much! What a fun you ever get sick to your stomach during the process? I think I would have to sample every type of dough...raw of course!


Yum! Wish I was there to have some. What a fun tradition!

Lisa P. said...

so yummy! I always loved getting some of your mom's cookies. what a fun tradition!

Danielle said...

I miss, miss, miss cookie bake cookies so much!!
I miss you too Holly.
You and the plate full of goodies complete my holiday!
(I'll be home the 24th wink-wink)

Lorilee said...

boo hoo... I hate missing this.
sugar made the front page?
I see you used the mechanical pastry bag for the thumbprint this year, and the chocolate crackle look better than ever.
i agree... who doesn't like a parfait?

P.S. said...

Where are the orange carrot cookies?!!!!
When I am rich and famous I am going to employ you and your mom as my personal cookie makers and you will make me cookies all year round.
A girl can dream can't she?

Britters and Parx said...

can you add me onto the receiving end of those treats next year? They all look divine!! =)

Melinda said...

Yummy!! Those all look delicious!!