Monday, April 6, 2009

Comforts of Home, part two

Home Sweet Home. I have unloaded my deep feelings of love for my parents' home, but I must say it is my second favorite. Here in my little blue house lies my all-time favorite place. There are so many things about it I love, mostly the feeling I have when I'm inside its walls. From morning to night, I appreciate:
  • waking up to this
  • the tennis ball hanging in our garage making sure my car squeezes in just right
  • seeing Joey look at me through the kitty door as I reverse down the driveway
  • finding Dave's socks at the bottom of the bed, knowing he kicked them off while asleep
  • doing laundry in our high-tech washer and dryer that I won from Dan's grocery store
  • cuddling on the couch after dinner to watch LOST, 30 Rock, or a Jazz game
  • how Dave can be in the family room while I'm on the computer and we can still be having a normal conversation
  • the painting on our wall that reminds me of getting engaged and melts my heart every time I see it
  • crawling into bed with the one I love, feeling safe as I fall asleep knowing he'll be next to me now and always


The Laundry Queen said...

I loved this post, Holly. I just think it's so cute that Dave hung a tennis ball in the garage just like my grandpa did for my grandma.

naptime nostalgia said...

This is the sweetest thing ever. Totally get it. You and Dave are awesome together!

Lorilee said...

i love that little blue house, that big fat kitty, that tiny garage, and your high tech washer and dryer.
every time I come to visit "go to holly and dave's" is always on my list of things I want to do.
you house is so cozy and welcoming, and has it's own smell... which is really good.

ps. those angel lemon cakes look to die for. were they as good as they look?

oliver.and.emily said...

love this post! and i still love that you won your washer and dryer from dan's. that's so great. and your engagement story? seriously? that was like all the talk over the bticu when it happened.. totally amazing story, husband, life. so glad you are home. -e