Friday, April 17, 2009

It's been 6 days...

While spending Easter weekend in St. George, I pretty much over-loaded on candy. What do you expect me to do? I was surrounded by every variety of m&m's, jelly beans, Reese's pb cups, licorice, peeps, and mini twix- so naturally I feasted upon the chocolate and high fructose corn syrup. After we got home Sunday night, I was contemplating the large doses of candy I consumed and realized that I can't complain about un-lost pregnancy pounds when I eat like that. So suddenly, in a rash and unplanned moment, I splurted out "I'm not going to eat any treats for a whole week." ("treats" are defined as candy, cookies, cake, chocolate, etc.) Now maybe this is normal for some of you. Maybe you think it wouldn't be that hard. But if you know me at all, you know this is a huge sacrifice. I don't go a DAY without treats, not to mention a WEEK. Now if I had just thought about withholding for a week, that would be one thing. But I said it out loud, to Dave. So I had to stick to it! I thought about forgetting I ever said it, but I felt bad giving up so easy. I then felt like I had to prove it to myself and to Dave that I really could do it! Well, I'm almost there. It's been 6 days, one more to go, and I'm looking forward to Sunday so I can eat whatever I want. It's been tough- my bowl of happy pastel m&m's (plain, pb, and peanut) have been calling my name every night. But I think my biggest challenge will be tomorrow night- I'm working a night shift, a time I usually live off of treats. Other people have diet coke, coffee, red bull to keep them awake. Me? I stay awake thanks to treats. So this is a dilemma. Since my decision making skills and self-control are usually impaired in the middle of the night, I'll probably figure that after midnight it's technically Sunday and I can have treats again!
I guess I'm proud of myself for (almost) achieving a goal I set, but I can't say I feel so much healthier, look skinnier, or have lost a ton of weight. If any of you are thinking about making a similar goal, stop now, go enjoy a treat, and wish me luck for the next 2 days.


The Watty's said...

Don't you feel like you have lost your best friend? Her name is "Sugar". Sugar makes us happy, retain weight, soothes our is too short...isn't there something that has been said about moderation in all things? Kudos to you for trying to abstain. It feels kind of good in a deprived way huh?

Lorilee said...

unlost pregnancy pounds.. please.
why on earth would you make such a goal? sounds crazy to me. when mom's package go away, our treat supply runs low... i've resorted to things like marshmallows, graham crackers, cereal, and even semisweet chocolate chips to get may fix. don't let those m&m's go to waste. life's too short. :)

naptime nostalgia said...

Oh wow. 6 days without sugar!! I am impressed. I don't think I could go 6 hours. Ha!

Hang in there!

Lauren said...

holly not eating treats! its a sin. a travesty. i'm uncertain about so many things now. just make sure you are back on the bandwagon by june 4th. its a treat weekend!!
ps. i LOVE the book, 'a thread of grace.' it was captivating. i'm so glad you are reading it, we can chat about it. xoxoxo

becca said...

I finally found your blog! you are too cute. we were in st. george for easter too... great minds think alike. it's too bad we didn't know it. treats are too yummy and are too hard to resist but I applaud your fine effort.

Brooke Boren said...

first of all you can't possibly have an ounce you need to lose! and secondly, i could never never ever go that long without a treat! I'm very impressed!

P.S. said...

Good thing I was there to eat all of your Easter M&M's for you!
Sorry about that! I'm kind of embarrassed by the fact that I sat right in front of the treat bowl and completely devoured all the PB M&M's while I'm the one who still needs to loose the muffin top by summer. Oops.

Callie said...

I am impressed! I think I tried that once and lasted maybe six hours tops. So six days is very, very impressive. Although I cannot imagine you needing to lose any pounds ever, for the record. So I hope this was just a one-week experiment and that you will be back eating treats in true Holly fashion.

marcie b said...

been there, done that and i am here to say it is NOT EASY. congratulations! it requires will power beyond belief...i know someone who did it for an entire year, but that is just crazy talk.